According to a CNN poll conducted last Thursday through Sunday, 56 percent of Americans disapprove of the new health care legislation and 42 percent support it. However, only 47 percent of those polled favor Republicans' call to "repeal and replace" the bill. The discrepancy between those who disapprove of the bill and those who actually want to repeal the bill can be attributed to the fact that some are against the bill because they don't think it went far enough. This sector of the population is thus unlikely to side with Republicans in fighting against any and all government-provided health care. Said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland, "Some Americans continue to say that they disapprove of the bill because they want even more government involvement in health care than the bill created. Only a quarter are against the entire bill." The poll was conducted by telephone to 1009 adult Americans and contains a sampling error of plus or minus three percent. The results of this poll are to be expected, as the health care debate has seemed to be evenly divided amongst Americans since its onset. That a majority are against the bill proves that the bill is not perfect by any means, especially since there are people on both sides who do not want the bill - those who think the bill went too far and those who think the bill did not go far enough. It will be interesting to see how these numbers change once the public starts to see the bill in action. Read more at http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/03/29/cnn-poll-americans-divided-on-repealing-health-care-law/?fbid=PRi3EP0uE8f&hpt=Sbin.
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