The first official Tea Party Convention is underway in Nashville, TN. The three day convention will include speaches, pannels, sessions, and workshops in an attempt to mobilize and gain supporters of the conservative Tea Party. Some of the platforms of the Tea Party include fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, less government, states' rights and national security. Mark Skoda, a businessman and founder of the Memphis Tea Party, said that he does not consider the Tea Party a traditional third party, but rather that the movement is more based on individuals coming together for the purpose of a radically smaller government. The speech that caused the biggest stir was Thursday, when former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo called President Obama a socialist. Said Tancredo, "people who could not even spell the word 'vote', or say it in English, put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House. His name is Barack Hussein Obama." Tancredo also took a shot at Obama's opponent in the 2008 election, Republican John McCain by saying "thank God John McCain lost the election." When I first started reading this article, I was amused at the radically different approach to government that the Tea Party advocates. But once I got to the part on Tancredo's speech, I realized that this is really crazy. Obama a socialist? If this accusation was true there would be no way that Obama would have won the 2008 election. This statement definitely takes some legitimacy away from the Tea Party, especially since the convention's organizer, Judson Phillips, said that Tancredo gave a "fantastic speech." And to think this guy is from Colorado, my home state - what a shame. I guess this is a good lesson on the diversity of opinions that make our country great. Lets just hope that there aren't too many Tom Tancredo's floating around. Read more at http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/02/05/tea.party.convention/index.html?hpt=Sbin.
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