Yesterday White House social secretary Desiree Rogers resigned from her position, 3 months after Tareq and Michaele Salahi crashed the White House state dinner. Julianna Smoot will be the new social secretary, a position that organizes the White House's social events. Rogers came under scrutiny for the breach in security that allowed the Salahis (who were uninvited) into the White House's first state dinner, although Rogers claimed that the mistake was the Secret Service's fault and not hers. In an interview after she announced her resignation, Rogers said "It has nothing to do with that, it's Secret Service's job to handle security. Not the Social Secretary's office" in response to a question about the party crashers. A statement from the President and the First Lady also neglected to mention the November event. "When she took this position, we asked Desiree to help make sure that the White House truly is the People's House," they said, "and she did that by welcoming scores of everyday Americans through its doors, from wounded warriors to local schoolchildren to NASCAR drivers." Read more at http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/02/27/white-house-announces-new-social-secretary/?fbid=PRi3EP0uE8f Despite the fact that Rogers' resignation is occurring 3 months after the state dinner, I can't help but think that her resigning has something to do with the negative publicity she received from the breach in security. While it very well might not have been Rogers' fault that the Salahis made it in, she was certainly criticized by the media, which can definitely wear a person down. I didn't even know that there was such an office as the social secretary, and it's just another example of how large the government is. Question to any potential readers: does the job of White House social secretary sound fun to you?