Sarah Palin is once again in the news, this time for joining it. Today a source with knowledge of the agreement confirmed to CNN that Palin will appear as a guest on some Fox News shows but that she will not host her own show. By doing so, Palin joins a long line of former politicians (both Democrat and Republican) who have transitioned careers to the news media. This move most likely means that Palin will not run for president in 2012, putting a damper on the spirits of Democrats nationwide who were confident that Obama could defeat Palin for reelection. As CNN contributor Paul Begala put it "I do think maybe it suggests, sadly for Democrats, that she might not be running." In my opinion, this is just another method of self-promotion for Palin. As all smart politicians seek to do, she is becoming a household name, and being on national TV will either hurt or help her popularity. This seems to be some strategic move to help her future political career, so I'm not convinced that she's done with politics yet. If you would like more information, the good folks at CNN are all knowing, test their knowledge by going to http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/01/11/palin.fox/index.html. Over and out.
What is Palin doing now? I am wondering if her political carreer is over. She has done everything from writing a book to being on the news. I do not think it would be a smart move to run her for president and i dought itt will happen.