Today a special Senate investigation committee began looking into whether the Fort Hood, Texas shootings of November 5 could have been prevented if authorities had acted differently. According to a memo written two years ago by the supervisor of the shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan demonstrated poor judgement and a lack of professionalism in his employment at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The committee is attempting to determine whether federal authorities knew enough about Hasan's condition to do something that would have prevented the shootings. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), the Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman, is leading the investigation. It would sure be a shame if this tragedy could have been prevented after all. But for the families and friends of the victims, it is useless to investigate this issue now, as it has already occurred and it's not like investigating it more will make it less of a tragedy. More information on this topic can be found at http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/11/19/fort.hood.hearing/index.html.
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